
My Story 

My name is Caroline Greatrex. I am a RYT® 500 certified yoga instructor in Atlanta, offering alignment-based yoga to all skill levels. This is the story of how I got here.

 In 2002, I walked into a yoga class at my gym.

To be honest, I was pretty skeptical that I’d get a good “workout” from doing yoga. Much to my surprise, I was struggling for balance in every pose. I found it astounding that yoga required so much strength! 

After each yoga class, I found myself having an incredible sense of peace and connection. But I didn’t know why.

I was curious, though, and wanted to learn more. So I continued going to the yoga classes at my gym until I felt comfortable enough to enter an actual yoga studio. My curiosity peaked with each class and I continued to practice and explore various yoga traditions. I tried Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa flow, "power" yoga, "hot" yoga, aerial yoga, and more.

Eventually, I gravitated towards Anusara Yoga with its alignment-based approach and heart-quality focus.

Over the years, I have studied with senior instructors, such as Desiree Rumbaugh, John Friend, Martin Kirk, Cat McCarthy, Lois Nesbitt and Mitchell Bleier. My love for, and belief in the practice, grew to the point that, in 2015, I decided to leave my career in advertising to become a full-time yoga instructor. I completed my RYT® 200 yoga certification teacher training at Springs Yoga Studio (Atlanta, GA) in 2015.   

I left advertising to become a yoga instructor.

Since completing my certification, I have grown my experience by teaching both Hatha yoga classes and aerial yoga classes in various studios and venues, including Vita-Prana yoga, Springs Yoga, corporate gyms, private schools, and retreats. I currently teach at Yonder Yoga Studios, Springs Yoga Studio, in the corporate gyms of Mercedes-Benz, and at Skyland Trail, a nonprofit mental health treatment organization based in Atlanta. I am also teaching at destination retreats and private yoga sessions in people's homes, at Springs Yoga Studio, and in my private studio.

I want to help you find your vitality within.

Through these years of practice and leading classes, I have developed a teaching style described as welcoming, safe, alignment-based, empowering, and challenging.  

When you take a yoga class with me, you can expect to link rhythmic breathing with movement, to be offered modifications to poses, if needed, and to move to great music. You may also learn something about anatomy and how yoga philosophy can help you feel better in your daily life by, yes, finding your vitality within.

Favorite Poems/Quotes:

You were born with potential. 
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. 
You were born with wings. 
You are not meant for crawling, so don't. 
You have wings. 
Learn to use them and fly.”  


"If we surrendered to earth's intelligence, we would rise up rooted like trees." 
~Rainer Maria Rilke 

“Stillness is a place. You can find it when you’re alone or when you’re in the midst of people. You can find stillness wherever you are, whatever you’re going through.
Stillness is a place within you. Slow down. Breathe deeply.”  

~ Melody Beattie

Find peace in the space between the breaths and between the thoughts. 

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” 
~ Melody Beattie